15. / 16. Jahrhundert.
Caravaggio (Michelangelo Merisi, 1571-1610). Santa Catalina de Alejandria, 1597.
Ercole de Roberti (1450-1496). The Argonauts Leaving Colchis, 1480.
Domenico Ghirlandaio (Domenico di Tommaso Bigordi, Firenze, 1449-1494). Portrait of Giovanna Tornabuoni, 1488.
Bronzino (Agnolo di Cosimo di Mariano, 1503-1572). Portrait of a Young Man as Saint Sebastian, 1525-28.
Albrecht Altdorfer (1480-1538). Portrait of a Woman, 1522.
Anonym, Schwabenland oder Hochrhein, ca. 1480.
Domenico Beccafumi (1486-1551). Madonna and Child with St. John and St. Jerome, 1523-24.
François Clouet (1505-1572). La carta amorosa, 1570.
Gentile Bellini (1429-1507). The Annunciation, 1465.
Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio (1467-1516). Portrait of a Lady as Saint Lucy, 1500.
Hans Baldung Grien (1484-1545). Adam und Eva, 1531.
Hans Cranach (1513-1537). Hercules at the Court of Omphale, 1537.
Hans Cranach (1513-1537). Portrait of a Bearded Man, 1534.
Lucas Cranach d.J. (1515-1586). Portrait of a woman, 1539.
Lucas Cranach d.Ä. (1472-1553). Reclining Nymph, 1530-34.
Hans Holbein d.J. (1497-1543). Portrait of King Henry VIII, 1534-36.
Hans Maler (1510-1530). Portrait of Anne of Hungary and Bohemia, 1519.
Jacob Grimmer (1525-1590). Winter Landscape with a Village and Skaters on a frozen River.
Jan de Beer (1475-1536). The Annuciation, 1520.
Jan de Beer (1475-1536). The Birth of the Virgin, 1520.
Lucas van Valckenborch (1535-1597). The massacre of the Innocents, 1586.
Pablo Veronés (Paolo Caliari, 1528-1588). Portrait of a Young Lady with Lapdog. 1560-70.
Palma el Viejo (Jacopo Negretti Palma, 1480-1528). Portrait of a Young Woman, La Bella, 1525.
Paris Bordone (1500-1571). Portrait of a Young Lady, 1540-1560.
Piero della Francesca (1416-1492). Portrait of a Child (Guidobaldo da Montefeltro?), 1483.
Roger van der Weyden (1399-1464). Madonna Enthroned, 1433.
Roger van der Weyden (1399-1464). Portrait of a Man (Pierre de Beffrement, Comte de Charny?), 1464.
Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti, 1518-1594). Annunciation to the Wife of Manoah, 1555-58.
Tintoretto (Jacopo Robusti, 1518-1594). The Meeting of Tamar and Juda, 1555-1558.
Titian (Tiziano Vecelli, 1490-1576). Saint Jerome in the Wilderness, 1575.