HENRY MOORE (1898-1986).
Werke chronologisch geordnet.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Reclining Figure, 1929. Brown Horton Stone. Leeds City Art Gallery.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Two upright forms, 1936. British Museum London.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Recumbent Figure, 1938. Tate Britain London.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Three Points, 1939. Foto WikiArt.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Shelter Scene. Swathed Figures with Children, 1941. Museo Thyssen Bornemiszo Madrid.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Crowd looking at a Tied-up Object, 1942. British Museum London.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Reclining Figure and Red Rocks, 1942. British Museum London.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Family Group, 1949. Tate Britain London.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Mort de Mira, 1950. Katalog Henry Moore.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Reclining Figure, 1951. Gips. Tate Britain London.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Reclining Figure, 1951. Bronze doré. Jardin des Tuileries, Paris.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Helmet Head and Shoulders, 1952. Foto WikiArt.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). King and Queen, 1952-53. Tate Britain London.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Draped Reclining Woman,1957-58. Staatsgalerie Stuttgart.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Draped Reclining Woman,1957-58. Staatsgalerie Stuttgart.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Draped Seated Figure, 1957-58. Tate Britain London.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Grosse liegende Frauenfigur, 1957. Kunsthaus Zürich.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Woman, 1957-58. Tate Britain London.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Atom Piece, Working Model for Nuclear Energy, 1964. Foto WikiArt.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Moon Head, 1964. Tate Britain London.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Three Way Piece No 2, The Archer, 1965. Foto WikiArt.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). The Archer, 1966. Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin. Foto Jörg Zägel, WikiCommons.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Oval with Points, 1968-70. Henry Moore Foundation. Foto Jynto, WikiCommons.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Vertebrae, 1968. Tate Britain London.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Wirbel, 1968-69. Münster. Foto Hans Weingartz, WikiCommons.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Sheep Piece, 1969. Seit 1976 in Zürich-Seefeld.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Three Forms, Vertebrae, 1969. Foto WikiArt.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Two-piece reclining Figure, 1969-70. Alte Pinakothek München.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Head, 1974. Kaltnadelradierung. Mappe Sheep, Gérald Cramer Verleger, Genf.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Reclining Figure, Angles, 1975-77. Kunsthaus Zürich.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). Reclining Figure, Angles, 1975-77. Kunsthaus Zürich.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). The Artist's Hand IV, 1979. Foto WikiArt.
Henry Moore (1898-1986). The Artist's Hand V, 1979. Foto WikiArt.
Large Reclining Figure, 1982. Fiberglass. Fitzwilliam Museum Cambridge. Foto Andrew Dunn, WikiCommons.
Large Upright Internal-External Form, 1982. Kew Gardens London. Foto Patche99z, WikiCommons.